Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Decorating Pumpkins

With Halloween just a few days away our beautiful girls are more ready than ever now that they have decorated pumpkins! We had a blast painting pumpkins, the table cloth, and faces.

Mariah, Annie, Lexi, Kandace, Pam

Pam's masterpiece

"Spiderman" and Mariah

Annie and Lexi... don't they look like they could be twins!

Sierra, Kandace, Brielle, and Pam

Brielle's work of art... not sure what it symbolizes... maybe "trick - or - treat" !!

After we painted the pumpkins we headed out to visit less active girls and bring them a Halloween treat. Sadly, Keyonna, Ty, and Sunnie were sick so they were unable to make the activity. Hope you girls feel better!